Prosljeđujemo informaciju o on-line predstavljanju mogućnosti za razmjenu s ruskim sveučilištem Saint Petersburg University koje će se održati u travnju (14/15).
Za sudjelovanje se potrebno prijaviti najkasnije do 9. travnja.
Na _Saint Petersburg University Exchange Days _rusko će sveučilište predstaviti mogućnosti koje pruža prvenstveno studentima.
Prijaviti se možete na poveznici:
Dear colleagues!
We would like to invite you to know us better!
SPbU International Academic cooperation department orginizes the First SPBU EXCHANGE DAYS. The event will take place ONLINE ON APRIL 14-15TH, 2021, ON 11:00-14:00 MOSCOW TIME (10:00-13:00 CET). The event is open to colleagues from partner universities working with student Exchange programmes and students interested in studying at SPbU Exchange programme (both already selected for exchange or just considering their opportunities).
The event consists of 3 PARTS. You can participate in all or choose to attend just some of them.
1) On April 14th we will tell you why students should choose SPbU and what they should expect after that. We will share GENERAL INFORMATION about the university and the city.
2) On April 15th you will be able to learn about EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMMES at SPbU and courses available to international exchange students (with emphasis on courses instructed in English).
3) At the end of our programme we will have an EXCHANGE FAIR where the participants will be able to talk to coordinators for different fields of studies and ask them specific questions. We encourage active participation in this part: if you join the room in this part you are expected to talk rather that just listen, and you are expected to join a room if you have some specific questions to discuss. For the same reason we advise not to choose more than 1 room for this part.
The preliminary programme can be found at the end of this letter. The final programme will be sent to the resistered participants on April 12th. In order to participate in the event, please, REGISTER ON SPBUWEBSITE [1]BY APRIL 9TH. Additional questions can be sent to
Looking forward to e-meet you.